How are you?

“How are you?” that diligent question asked by so many people who don’t actually care if you’re over the moon or down the drain. For a moment you feel that question might actually mean some consideration or attention of sorts towards yourself, but it’s nothing but politeness. Truth is if you reply saying you feel bad they probably won’t care or freak out or pretend they haven’t heard it. If you say you’re “okay” then you’ll be ignored because it doesn’t mean you’re great either and going into it demands a lot of patience and courage – courage for listening to someone’s okay-ness which, whether regarding them or not, makes them feel sort of uncomfortable. If you say you’re great they might either be resentful because they’re not feeling the same way you do and don’t really want to see on someone else or because they’re not a part of it and it hurts their ego – Ah and they might think you’re lying, which, let’s face it, can be quite true. So…next time you feel like asking “how are you?” just ” because” choose rather an infantile/man-child “wassup?”, no one takes it seriously and it’s much more effective.